Food Bank
During February we saw over 800 appointments registered with our Food Bank. Many of our clients are regular clients who rely on our service’s multiple times a month and because of this we have built strong relationships with them.
This particular month, I noticed one of our clients was late for his appointment, and though he is normally very friendly and talkative I noticed he was quiet and seemed troubled. I invited him over to our check-in table to chat and he told me that he had just been let go from his job. He was very hopeful about his job, and about the possibility of finding financial stability for himself and his family; this was now taken away from him and came us to on this particular day feeling helpless.

Fortunately, we had lots of extra groceries to give him to help him through this difficult time. Additionally, we also were able to bless him with a Walmart gift card to purchase even more groceries. Our client was so excited by this that he gave me a big hug and began to cry.
He left that day with a new hope and an opportunity to provide for his family for a little while longer while he looks for a new job opportunity.
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